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Enhance Your Business Activity

ERP system dedicated to real-time tracking of financial, accounting and managerial activity for companies with different types of activity. The system consolidates the construction and organization of data in basic business processes including inventories, sales, purchases, production, reports, etc.

Organization of the business

Organization of the business through the scaling of roles in the company from common operator to senior management levels.


Reporting and statistics in every aspect of financial activity, accounting, management, inventory, sellers, buyers, human resources, etc.


Utilization of company assets and resources efficiently and quickly and informed decision-making based on the real-time state of your business.

A platform for every Financial Solution

Construction of documents with fiscal elements for document types, payment methods, VAT classes, VAT application period, etc.

Correcting the type of document such as autoload, self-sale, agreement between the parties, service from abroad, etc.

Declaration in the system of all fiscal references such as business units, fiscal equipment, fiscal operators, etc.

Financa5 Enterprise modules provide full control
over the main functions of any business

General Ledger

  • Accounting of standard systemic actions including depreciation, wages, profit tax, VAT, etc.
  • Closure of income and expenses
  • Currency revaluation
  • Analytical and synthetic financial reports, Pivot, horizontal and graph formats
  • Financial statements of fiscal reporting (Balance Sheet, Profit-Loss, Cashflow)

Cashier & Bank

  • Ease in the accounting of Cash and Bank actions
  • Accounting for the liquidation of expenses through the cash register/bank and collection of income
  • Ease of reporting by linking receipts/payments to sales/purchase invoices
  • Automation of batch payments/liquidation of analytical invoices
  • Possibility of use at operational and managerial level


  • Accounting of sales invoices with items, with services, with accounts as revenue (via the custom services option), merchandise returns, exports, combined invoices (items and revenue)
  • Entities through the customer card can determine the terms of invoice liquidation, customer discounts, liquidation terms as well as the terms of the contract with customers
  • Wide range of dynamic reports reflecting analytical/synthetic liability, third parties, packaging and promotions


  • Accounting of purchase invoices with items, with services, with accounts as expenses (via the custom services option), returns, imports, combined invoices (items and expenses)
  • Entities through the supplier card can determine the terms of liquidation of invoices, the terms of liquidation as well as the terms of the contract with suppliers
  • Basic reports in tracking obligations with suppliers and management reports for purchase items
  • The Purchase Ledger reflects in real time the actions accounted for on purchase invoices


  • Registration and management of internal movements through the Entry and Exit Sheets of the warehouses
  • Transfer of items from one production stage to the next stage
  • Control over the results of internal actions through Inventory reports. including Warehouse Card, Inventory Status, Verifier, Days Late, Stock, etc.


  • Asset tracking at a financial and managerial level
  • Keeping analytical lists of assets, accompanied by the history of actions and up to the process of automatic amortization by the system
  • At the management level, the module has two levels of responsibility: that of the user and that of the location
  • These options are supported with relevant analytical reports and by summary categories

Training &

InterMedia Shpk comes to your aid by providing services for installation, configuration, on-site training and ongoing online or onsite support as needed.